A warm welcome to our very first Newsletter. Our aim is to keep you informed about the latest developments in vertical positioning. We will also be explaining how Hymo products and services can help you constantly improve the safety and efficiency of your logistics operations – streamlining interactions between people, processes, and products.

Don’t miss these articles
This first issue brings you news about our powerful new UXB lift table. Flexible and robust, it will not let you down. And we have a fascinating visual introduction to the Vertical City (or logistics center), a new holistic concept that applies our lifting solutions.

Bring your Newsletter alive
What kinds of topics would you like us to cover in future issues? How have our products and services solved your particular challenges? Do you have an interesting case story? These are all ways we can bring the Newsletter alive for you and your colleagues. Your suggestions, comments and requests are always welcome. We are looking forward to hearing from you. The Hymo Newsletter team.

Welcome to the Vertical City

Our holistic Vertical City concept brings together a world of Hymo lifting solutions, not only for factories but also for any logistics center. Wherever people, processes and products interact, our solutions ensure everything happens safely and efficiently. Watch the video to explore the opportunities.

Hymo in cooperation with Southworth Products Corp introduce The Pallet Pal 360.

Hymo in cooperation with Southworth Products Corp introduce The Pallet Pal 360. Spring Actuated Level Loader which makes loading and unloading pallets faster, safer and easier. This simple, automatic load leveler uses a system of springs and shock absorbers to lower and raise loads as boxes are added or removed from pallets. A turntable allows […]