Taking good care of equipment and performing regular maintenance is crucial for any company or production line – Then why do we sometimes keep working even when equipment has not been serviced or checked for a while?
Or is faulty even? Tobias Karlsson from Global Technical Support has compiled a few best practices on how to significantly improve the longevity of your scissor lift.
With only a few minor actions you can achieve smooth operations and greatly decrease the risk of damages to goods and workers.
Examine well and on schedule
It is important to not rush the examination or service, things can easily be missed. Also make sure to perform the regular service on time, there are suggested intervals in the scissor lift installation manual.
While examining the scissor lift you should use your senses and examine the table carefully. Does something look worn out?
If so, replace it. Feeling and listening is important too. Is everything tightened and appears to be working as intended?
Be especially wary if you see small pools or specks of oil which could mean that there is a leak somewhere.
Also watch out for jerky movement while operating the table. A scissor lift should always move smoothly without any irregular movements or stops.
If the table moves unevenly, first check the floor beneath the table to make sure the surface is flat.
Jerky movement could also mean that there is a problem with the cylinder. We recommend getting close and listening carefully while moving the table up and down.
You will be able to hear if there are any issues with the cylinder even in a noisy environment. For example, if you hear a scratching sound it could mean that a bearing is becoming worn and needs your attention.
“After examining the table replace all the ‘wear and tear’ parts. Do not wait until the next service if you suspect that a part is worn.
The cost of replacing a gasket or bearing is so small compared to replacing the entire part if something crucial breaks. So, if a gasket looks worn or a cable is scratched, simply replace it.
It’s always better to be safe than sorry,” Tobias pleads.
Replacing entire parts is not only more time consuming you also risk that something breaks during peak season. That could leave you without a functioning scissor lift and production might come to a halt.
That is something you really want to avoid as it can be extremely costly, or worse, cause injury to workers.
Plan your service and come prepared
Service of equipment can feel like extra work and hard to make time for. Especially if you attempt to perform the service during regular operations.
However, most industries and companies have periods with little, less or even no activity – This is the perfect time to perform the service.
With a little bit of planning and foresight you should be able to perform the service on time without impacting operations. Depending on the industry you are in it might be more or less difficult to plan ahead but the main idea is to make the most of natural down times like holiday seasons or low-demand periods.
To make sure the service goes even more smoothly and does not require more time than necessary make sure that you have spare parts ordered and ready. It might be tempting to examine first and then order spare parts based on the findings.
However, that just means that you have to halt operations at least once more to replace any potentially worn-out parts. Not only that, if you find any issues it would mean that you will have to operate the table with potentially problematic parts until the shipment arrives.
Even if replacement parts should arrive swiftly, it will of course require some time for them to arrive. To make things easier for you we provide ready-made kits with all the spare parts you might need to replace any worn parts as you find them.
By making sure that you have and use the correct and original spare parts you can put your mind at ease and know that you have done everything you can in terms of precautions and accident prevention. Additionally, you will be keeping warranties intact. Win-win.
“I have heard a few tragic stories about using the wrong spare parts. Like using cylinders without the pipe rupture valve that stops the table if a hose should burst and cause an oil leak.
The pipe rapture valve prevents the lift table from coming down in the case of a big sudden oil leak from the hydraulics. It’s no fun to have a fully loaded table come crashing down,” Tobias warns.
Get expert help if needed
If you lack experience and are unsure how to examine the scissor lift and perform the service, always reach out to an expert. Scissor lift are often a crucial part of operations, and it is important to not cut any corners when it comes to service and maintenance.
If you want a completely bother free experience, we have service agreements which mean that we take care of everything for you.
That said, even without a service agreement, we have experienced almost every kind of issue and know how to prevent them. We are always just a call or email away! If you are even a tiny bit unsure, contact us and we will do our best to help.
Not only to help carry out the service in the best possible way but also how to create a production flow that is efficient and safe.
Known signs of wear and how to prevent them
- Scissor lift will not come down
Usually something to do with the clamp protection. Most often the cable is damaged and needs to be replaced or a switch that needs to be replaced.
- Oil is found close to or below the cylinder
A gasket or gaskets are leaking in the cylinder. Replace and see if the leakage stops.
- Uneven drift or irregular sounds
Most likely bearings that need to be greased or replaced.
- Scissor lift descends slowly by itself
Many times, an issue with the sink-valve. Replacing the valve usually solves the problem. Also keep an eye on the condition of the oil and change it if necessary.
If you notice any of these issues, act immediately. They are all easy and cheap fixes. Waiting could mean that something costly breaks, like the entire cylinder, forcing operations to come a halt.
Or worse, that an accident occurs and causes bodily harm to workers.
How to use the spare part kit (video)