No matter which industry you are in you will come across people who share their knowledge, passion and experience in such a way that it pushes the industry forward and makes it better. To say that Jim Galante was such a person would be an understatement, and we were deeply saddened to learn about his untimely passing in late 2021. Jim meant so much to so many in our industry, including us, and we are both honored and humbled to have worked with him. So, when we learned that MHI, EASE, LIFT and LODEM created a scholarship in Jim’s name, we knew we wanted to help spread the word.

James “Jim” Galante
James “Jim” Galante

Thought Leadership and Honoring Jim’s Contributions

Jim worked at Southworth for many years but shared his time generously with others. Over the last five years he helped us at VPG by sharing his insights and thought leadership, never failing to inspire and always bringing warmth, humor and passion no matter the context. At the same time, he managed to, like no other, spread a clear and concise message about safer, more ergonomic and efficient lifting solutions. Simply to make sure that the physical well-being of workers always was a top priority all while increasing the capabilities of the site.

“Jim was the first person I got to know from the SIGI group a few years ago, and he really meant a lot to me and us at VPG. He was extremely helpful, supportive, knowledgeable and always with a truly global mindset. I am so happy I got to know him. This scholarship is a most suitable way of honoring Jim’s contributions to the entire industry” says Håkan Nilsson representing the sentiments of VPG.

Scholarship Details

The scholarship was announced 2022-05-20 and is managed by MHEFI. To learn more please visit:

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